A daily devotional from Inspired Faith 365 Days a Year
Jesus said, "Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be the fullest joy."
John 16:24
Life need not be easy to be joyful. Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ.
William Van der Hoven
DAILY THOUGHTWe often get the wrong impression that our joy depends on our circumstances. When good things happen to us, we almost inevitably smile - expressing joy on our outward appearance.
But real joy is something that even troubles and tears can't take away. Psalm 16:11 says that in God's presence we have fullness of joy. So whether life is up or down, whether you're wearing a smile or a frown, God is with you. You can take joy in His presence, knowing that He has a plan for your good days and for your bad days.
God, I know that the fullness of joy is in Your presence, but sometimes that's hard to feel. I pray that You would remind me of Your incredible love in moments when I feel down and out. May my joy not depend on what's happening in my life, but in the fact that You have saved me and filled me with Your Spirit. Amen.
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