Tony Campolo
Dr. Tony Campolo made headlines in the 1990s when he agreed to be a spiritual counselor to President Bill Clinton. An ordained minister, Campolo has served American Baptist churches in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and is a frequent commentator on religion and politics. Though conservative on some social issues, Campolo argues that Christians' political focus should be on poverty. He is the author of "Speaking My Mind: The Radical Evangelical Prophet Tackles the Tough Issues Christians Are Afraid to Face."
Bio: About Tony Campolo
Interview: "Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked"
Excerpt: Bible-Believing, Evangelical--and Not on the Religious Right
Book: "Speaking My Mind"
More: Campolo's website
Joan Chittister
Sister Joan Chittister is a Roman Catholic nun active in peace issues, poverty and social justice, and women's rights. Sharply critical of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq, Chittister is also vocally in favor of women's ordination in the Catholic Church. She is executive director of Benetvision: A Resource and Research Center for Contemporary Spirituality located in Erie, Pennsylvania. Her latest book is "Called to Question: A Spiritual Memoir."
Bio: About Joan Chittister
Article: The Challenge of Feminist Spirituality
Book: "Called to Question: A Spiritual Memoir"
More: Benetvision website
Bob Edgar
Dr. Bob Edgar is general secretary of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. He was a six-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives. A strong critic of the war in Iraq, he led a delegation of religious leaders to Baghdad before the war began. He has also been a vocal advocate of Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts and faith-based efforts to fight poverty and support the environment.
Bio: About Bob Edgar
Article: Why I Went to Baghdad
More: National Council of Churches USA
Jim Forbes
The Rev. Dr. James Forbes, Jr. is Senior Minister of the Riverside Church in New York City, a prominent liberal, interdenominational congregation. Forbes spoke out in favor of the election of John Kerry during the presidential campaign and addressed the Democratic National Convention in July.
Bio: About Jim Forbes
Article: The Moral Urgency of Electing John Kerry
Book: "The Holy Spirit and Preaching"
More: The Riverside Church
Michael Lerner
Rabbi Michael Lerner is editor of Tikkun magazine, a progressive Jewish magazine and author of several books, including "Healing Israel/Palestine" and "Jewish Renewal: A Path to Healing and Transformation." Lerner has been one of the most prominent Jewish voices in opposition to the war in Iraq and other policies of the Bush administration, and in favor of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. He currently leads the Beyt Tikkun Synagogue in San Francisco.
Bio: About Michael Lerner
Article: Democrats Need a Religious Left
More on Beliefnet: Lerner's complete Beliefnet columns
More: Tikkun Magazine
Jim Wallis
The Rev. Jim Wallis is editor in chief of Sojourners, a liberal Christian magazine, and helped form Call to Renewal, a federation of churches and other faith-based organizations working to overcome poverty. His most recent book is "God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It."
Bio: About Jim Wallis
Excerpt: Taking Back the Faith
Interview: Rescuing Religion from the Right
Book: "God's Politics"
More on Beliefnet: Make Room for Pro-Life Democrats

Joan Chittister

Bob Edgar

Jim Forbes

Michael Lerner

Jim Wallis