Beliefnet asked our readers to share their original angel poetry.  We received an overwhelming response and gathered a first round of readers' celestial writings for your enjoyment. A second round of poetry can also be read here. Thank you to all who submitted their poems.

Fly Away
By Vicster999

Fly away on golden wings,
Far from all these mortal things.

Fly to where the Angels live,
See the beauty Heaven gives.

Fly away from darkness, night,
Fly away and find the light.

Fly away your life is done,
Your endless journey has begun.

But hold your memories bittersweet,
Until once again we meet.

Fly away on golden wings,
Your heart is pure, your soul will sing.

Fly on the other shore,
Where there is peace forevermore.

In Heaven's Light
By Vicki A. Roehrick

Graced amid an angel's wing
to reach the stars and
catch the sky,
I place my prayers and greatest dreams
now blessed, in Heaven's Light.

He Came To Me
By Sarakiel

Metatron came to me...
Not in a burst of flame from a burning bush.
No booming voice echoing across the valley.

Instead he came to me...
In the rustling of the leaves.
In the crashing waves of the ocean's shore.

Metatron came to me...
To teach me the ways of the mystic healers.
To show me the healing angel within myself.

He came to me...
And I too grew wings out of my back.
And I too began to fly.

Sweet Intent
By Jennifer L. Flamand

Too long alone, upset and serious,
makes for silence from fingers used to
skirting distant melodies of
Spirit's sweet intent.

In that silent meditation
wanders still a stricken soul,
and yet out of the waves are calling
laughter and a warming mood.

Garnering strength from parent sources,
asking only a healing peace
to grieve, then open full in bloom -
revived, refreshed, renewed, released.

Muses? Angels? Siblings, hear me!
Let me join your joyous hosts.
Bound I am to your sweet intent,
only let me write, oh, let me write.

Four Angels
By Linda Williams

I don't want the wind to touch me...
Only the breezes of your wings.
In love with the sights and sounds of Earth-
All the ways of sensing things.

Pain that violates as I descend--
No one has full knowledge here.
They say I do. Did I forget?
Long time now, since I am clear.

Angels, partners, friends of mine--
Soften your cool feathers across my skin.
Is it ever harder for you than me?
Is it true you know just where I've been?

Angels Camped Out
By Jerlean Holt

Angels are camped out around my door,
I never knew they were there before.
"We are here just to keep you warm,
to steady your boat in the midst of your storm;
to blow gentle winds into your sails,
to bring you peace when all else fails.
When things in life seem to go wrong,
we will quiet your spirit with a song.
Just keeping you and your loved ones safe,
just until you can see our Master's face".
So, don't let life's strife get you down,
remember, God's angels are always around.

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