2024-05-07 2024-05-07
Reprinted from Soundvision.com.

 1. Eat the suhur meal.

The Prophet Muhammad highly recommend eating this pre-dawn meal before a day of fasting. While you may want to pass to catch some more sleep, remember that you can always take a catnap while you're fasting, but you won't be able to eat or drink. To make it easier, set out utensils and dry food on the table before going to bed so you can quickly eat and go back to sleep after suhur.

2. Limit your fat intake.

That's right, limit it--don't cut it out. Otherwise you'll have to get rid of what's considered "traditional" iftar food in most Muslim cultures. If you're not sure what kind of food is being referred to, think fried, greasy and/or super sweet.

3. Follow the Prophet's golden rule of one-third.

This especially needs to be said in Ramadan. We should strive to have no more than one-third food, one-third liquid and one-third air in our stomachs when eating.

4. Encourage dip-dunking.

Fruits and vegetables get left to the wayside during regular days, let alone at iftar (the fast-breaking meal) time. But you can whip out those carrot sticks if you've got some tasty dips to eat them with. Check out some healthy recipes.

5. Walk after iftar.

Before you fall over from exhaustion after iftar and dinner, take a short walk around the block or just around your building. The change of environment and exposure to fresh air may just wake you up in time to go for the next activity listed below.

6. Pray tarawih (special evening prayers during Ramadan).

This is more great exercise, not to mention a wonderful way to build concentration, stamina and brotherhood/sisterhood.

7. Take a short afternoon nap.

Experts say you don't need more than a 15-minute siesta to really refresh you. During lunch hour, find a quiet spot, set the alarm on your watch or cell phone and nap. This can help your body adjust to the daily Ramadan schedule that requires waking up early for the suhur meal.

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