Ted Haggard on Marriage
Several months ago Beliefnet asked Ted Haggard and other spiritual leaders to contribute video teachings for Beliefnet's new Preachers & Teachers area. In one, Haggard emphasizes the importance of marriage and the need to find a partner of the opposite sex. Watch »

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David Kuo:
Ted and Jesus
Crunchy Con:
Remembering the Jimmy Swaggart Scandal
Amy Sullivan:
Will It Change Views on Gays?
Chattering Mind:
Ted Haggard's Shadow Reveals Itself?

Reactions from the Gay Community
The Truths of Haggard's Story
Yesterday, Ted Haggard was my oppressor. Today his story reveals that life and all who live it are more complicated than fundamentalists want us to believe. By Macky Alston
What It Means for Gays
Reactions from Beliefnet message boards on what the allegations about Ted Haggard mean to the gay community.

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