2016-06-30 2016-06-30

After I prepared my own top-10 list of the year's best family films (which you can see here), my 11-year-old son Jonathan and my 9-year-old daughter Linnéa made up their own lists, which you can see below. Unlike mine, their choices are in alphabetical order as they couldn’t stand to choose some as “more better.”

Also, please note that they were dragged to some PG-13 movies I subsequently suggested were not meant for kids their age. So of course those figure prominently on their lists. Oy. (Please check my original reviews for suitability issues!)

Oddly, no movies were chosen by all three of us, although "Barnyard" was in my honorable mention. What we did all agree on were the two most outstanding made-for-television movies: "High School Musical" and "The Ron Clark Story". Serious kudos for both. If you haven’t seen "Ron Clark," head for Netflix immediately.

So, here are their picks; click a title to see my review of that movie:

Jonathan, Age 11: Top Movies of 2006
Akeelah and the Bee
American Dreamz
Employee of the Month
Happy Feet
Nacho Libre
Open Season
The Pursuit of Happyness
Scary Movie IV
Talladega Nights

Linnea, Age 9: Top Movies Of 2006
Alex Rider (Stormbreaker)
American Dreamz
Charlotte’s Web
Employee of the Month
Flushed Away
Happy Feet
Open Season
Over the Hedge
Talladega Nights

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