2016-06-30 2016-06-30
Reprinted with permission of The Lutheran magazine.

1. What can you do to alleviate the frenzied pace of the Christmas season?

2. Is it possible to "put off" the observance of Christmas until we have journeyed through a more expectant Advent? Should we consider abstaining from Christmas parties and other holiday festivities until Christmas Day?

3. What do you teach your children to wait for? Opening presents? How can children be taught to wait for the birth of our Lord with the same eagerness?

4. How can congregations care for those whose business schedule goes crazy during December? Should there be worship services at alternate times? Should other members make sure not to be indignant towards people whose schedule is out of their control?

5. See if you are willing to try some extra "Christmas ministry" and report on the results. Be on the watch for harried clerks or people who seem distraught. Offer a few kind words: "It's all right, I'm not in a hurry." "Thank goodness this chaos isn't all there is to Christmas!" "At least it will be peaceful in church tonight!" See how people respond.

6. The media do more than shove advertising in our faces. Find stories of kindness and service during the holiday season and post them on your congregation's bulletin board.
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