2016-06-30 2016-06-30

Excerpted from the Black Bible Chronicles series.

One day as folks were starting to press all round Jesus, He decided to go up on a hill for a minute to rap with His chosen brothers.

He wanted them to know what was up. "You know, there's a little something for everybody," Jesus told `em. "Brothers who are down in the way they feel, they ain't got nothing to worry `bout `cuz the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them. Even those who feel like they've lost, can be on the one again `cuz there will be arms `round `em to make `em feel better. And you know those brothers who seem weak and on the bottom of the tadpole, the world is theirs. No kidding. And those folks who always do right, got a kind word to say, a good deed or two to do, it's coming back to `em in spades. If a brother shows kindness and mercy, it's coming back to him more than he can count.

Righteousness is given to those whose hearts are pure and good, for in the end they shall see the Almighty. And those that keep the peace, my brothers, shall be called the Almighty's children. But, those who are dissed and stepped on `cuz they are trying to do the right thing, the kingdom of heaven is theirs. And here's the kicker," Jesus told them. "If you have to suffer `cuz you're main brothers, no matter what it is, ou gotta know that in the end, the ultimate is gonna be laid on you. It'll be worth more than gold."

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