2016-07-27 2016-07-27
If you're suffering from excess weight, I'm sure you're going through some difficult feelings right now. You may have been struggling for a long time -- dieting, fasting, or taking strong drugs. All of these interventions are probably about your trying to deal with your major, uncontrollable appetite. If you’re like a lot of us, it may have been all you could do to try to find a way to finally, once and for all, feel good about yourself. You may be overly sensitized at this point. Your emotions may be raw from so much unsuccessful effort. Little upsets become gigantic hassles. Slight and subtle inequities become all-around disasters. This is understandable, given what you're going through. To feel better it's going to take reminding yourself that: 1. You're ok. Really. You are a child of God. 2. You're experiencing "dis-ease." 3. You're taking good care of yourself and on a path to recovery. 4. It will take time to feel better, but there's plenty of time.

- Norris Chumley

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