"I need to do more for people, my country, and the unfortunate."
Submitted by: Mildred
"The tragedy 0f 911 was so shocking to me. Tears come to my eyes, yet, as I remember the traumatic, horrifying pictures on TV. Although I didn't lose a loved one there, my heart went out for all the lives lost, the shock, pain of people that did, and at the time, I thought,"How can this happen in The United States?" In America? Then, I said, "Well, the danger has been all around us, but, why couldn't we prevent it"?
The people, volunteers who helped in the crisis were surely and rightly commended for their unselfish and brave, tireless efforts. It was a test of their courage, bravery, endurance. In America, people bond together, help each other when tradegy strikes. It is so wonderful to see that.
After 911, I thought, "I need to do more for people, my country, and the unfortunate." I had volunteered in my county for Sharing-Caring many years, but became more involved in my church, helping in my own way to help raise funds for our church. I am a homebound lay person who ministers to the spiritual needs of people in our church who cannot physically go to church. It makes me realize just how fortunate I am to be able to do this. What a blessing I have received in return. I had been in a bad car accident earlier, which was traumatic for me, but I'm so thankful I can walk, again, able to do this ministry. Just to see the welcoming, loving look on people's faces when I arrive is enough for me, and they always thank me with a smile. My father told me to always be kind to older people as I might be old myself, one day.
It seemed to me that I would be doing good for my fellow brothers or sisters by trying to make more donations, so I did that. I try to remember, "Love thy neighbor", and put forth efforts to be kind.
I feel 911 did make a difference in my life, hopefully it made me a better, more caring person to my family and other people.