I could never write a book on a typewriter today like I used to, not in a million years. The keys are so heavy, they jam. You have to have carbon paper.
One time, I had too many main characters whose names began with the letter J; Jane, Jill, Jack. I said, “What in the name of God was wrong with me?” I was stuck on the “J.” With a computer, you can do a “search and replace.” You can say “find it and change Jill to Linda.”
Without a computer, I could never write a book a year. My first three books were three years apart. With a computer, you can edit on the page. If you have a clumsy sentence, you can edit it out. It used to be that I'd write 20 pages, then I'd have to retype them to see what I had and then I would end up reediting and then retyping again. The computer has changed all that dramatically.