What was the turning point that made you publicly embrace angels?
I wanted to help people, so I became a psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders. But all this time, the angels were telling me that I was really supposed to be teaching about spiritual healing. I kept arguing, "No, no, no."
Then, on July 15, 1995, came the turning point. I was getting ready to go to a church in Anaheim, when I heard this loud, male voice at my right ear say, "You better put the top up on your car or it will be stolen." At the time, I was driving a convertible. I said to the angels, "I don't have time," and the angels didn't really argue.
I drove and prayed for protection. As I pulled into the parking lot, I felt this really creepy energy, as if someone poured negative paint on me. I started praying even harder. I got out of the car, and then I heard this male voice behind me, screaming and cursing: "You better f-ing give me your car keys." I turned around and there was this angry-looking guy who was much shorter than me.
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Doreen Virtue's Turning Point |
And this was the breakthrough moment, because I hadn't listened to my angels in so long. I finally obeyed them—I screamed like a cave woman. And this woman who was in the parking lot heard my scream, and she leaned on her car horn to attract the people in the church to come out. Their presence scared the man and his accomplice away. I was shaking, but I got down on my knees in this greasy, oily parking lot just to thank God that my life had been spared. I thanked God and the angels for saving me.
When I went home, I started doing research on angel experiences. I asked God and the angels how I could repay them, and they told me the same thing they've been saying, which was for me to teach about mind-body-spirit. So the very next day, I "came out of the closet," so to speak. I was scheduled to give a talk in Las Vegas on eating disorders, and I chose to wear a long goddess gown and a crystal necklace; I was just myself. I started to tell my clients that I talked to angels. Even though I was afraid of what might happen, I decided to make a commitment to follow my divine guidance.
How can a complete beginner learn to contact angels?
The way to contact angels is to, first of all, feel comfortable with it. Say a prayer to whomever you are aligned with spiritually. If you're more of a traditional Christian, ask God and Jesus how they feel about it. You'll definitely get a confirmation that it's safe, but I think you should go with what your faith is and not defy it, because if you do, you'll feel afraid, which will cause a block in connecting with angels. The angels want to help you with everything that brings you peace, and they can only help you if you ask.
How can people let go of their cynicism?
To me, a skeptic is someone who is afraid of being disappointed. What they need to do is experiment, and ask for something simple like a taxicab at 5 o'clock on a Friday or a parking place in a crowded mall on a Saturday afternoon.
The best way to shield yourself from all negative energy, whether it's from people who are negative or spirits who are negative, is to call on Archangel Michael. He is completely non-denominational and has the ability to be with everyone who calls on him simultaneously without time or space restrictions. He is amazing.
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Calling on Archangel Michael |
How would people recognize Archangel Michael? What does he look like physically?
You'll first sense him as a feeling of peace and safety in your heart. He's got a real warm temperature, and you'll notice that your body starts to heat up. Some people actually begin to perspire when he shows up. I've noticed that in my workshops, when we invoke him, the sweaters come off and some women think they're having a hot flash.
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What Does Michael Look Like? |
How often do you contact angels?
All day long. It's like having a team of consultants with you or a sporting team and you just consult with them before you make any decisions. I wake up every morning, and my husband and I say a prayer asking God and the angels for whatever we need help with, and it just seems that everything goes smoother when we ask.
What are your personal favorite rituals for contacting angels? Do you meditate, stretch, or light candles?
You really don't need any special rituals. That's the neat thing about angels. I'm not big into paraphernalia, although the angels do counsel us to get outside in nature because we need fresh air; we need a bit of sunshine. Staying indoors gets us disconnected from the spirit. Beyond that, there are no candles or special prayers; it's more like having a conversation with best friends. You just think a thought, they give you their opinion, and you have free will to answer or not. I've learned from the angels, none of us has to put up with unnecessary suffering; we really can have more harmony in our lives.
I think with my youngest son, Grant, who's now 25. There was a while there when it seemed like he was going down a dark path. He was smoking cigarettes and drinking a lot of beer and sitting at home in front of the computer, all alone. I was really worried about him, so I prayed and prayed to the angels to please, please help him. Part of my prayer was that he would meet a really good woman and get back on the social path and clean up. And within three months of prayer, he met one of my angel therapists on my website. She lived in Australia. Together, they both quit smoking while talking long-distance, and they both cleaned up their diets (giving up beer), and he got back on the spiritual path. He began talking to angels and God again. Eventually, they got together, married, and they have a little girl now. That's one of the instances where I completely give credit to the angels.
I've also seen a lot of people heal their lives. One woman told me she had had this big split with her family; they hadn't spoken for years and she simply asked Archangel Michael to help heal that. She ended up having a complete reconciliation with her family and even more, she said her family changed before her very eyes and became more accessible. In truth, she said, she probably changed too. As a psychotherapist, I would have worked months to help people, but I've seen angels help in minutes.
How do you feel about the fact that you make money helping others connect with angels?
There's an old thought that people who are doing spiritual work shouldn't make money or should make minimum money. But, what I find is that people who make a lot of money, who are truly on a spiritual path, are actually the people who have donated the most to charities and are really helping on a big scale. I write really, really big checks to the charities I support. If we could lose that old-time belief, then we could have really pure-minded spiritual people owning radio stations, television stations, and big newspapers. People who are spiritual teachers and healers are kept impoverished; they are also kept from helping as many people as they can, in my mind.
What's your favorite prayer?
This is called the Lightworker's Prayer, from my book, The Lightworker's Way. It really helps me to reconnect and re-center.
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Doreen Virtue's Favorite Prayer |