"Being an angel is very simple," says member Trish Norris of Lawrence, Kans. Here are more ways Beliefnet members spread happiness:

Tell a former teacher how much the lessons meant to you.
--Angel Love, Port Orange, FL

I am an after-school tutor. In my neighborhood, many of the parents…cannot rub two pennies together [to] make ends meet. These parents are devoted to their children, but there have been times they have been told to not come [for tutoring] due to lack of money. Now, I am far from rich. I am on assistance and I collect food stamps for myself and my daughter, so I truly understand. But I cannot bear to see any child go without their one hour with me, so I tell parents the tutoring is free.
--Helena Leku, Queens, NY

Offer to drive an elderly person to her doctor's appointment.
--Rose Marie Fedornak, Minersville, PA

I work at HCR Manor Care where employees are assigned as "Guardian Angels" for an elderly resident. They visit the resident, remember their "special days," and are a source of comfort for the resident, as many of the residents either have children in other states or have outlived their children. Our "Guardian Angels" program is a meaningful way to cherish the elderly!
--Josephine M. Barrett, Bradenton, FL

Pay for the car behind you at the drive-thru window of a fast-food restaurant.
--Patti Ann, Mentor, OH

Pay for the person behind you at a toll booth.
--Michele Redd-Bennett, Jersey City, NJ

Once, in a local supermarket, a young mum was trying to pay for her groceries but unable to make up the amount needed. I asked the cashier how much money she was short and paid the amount. The young lady was very grateful and wanted to repay the debt, but I simply said, 'This is a gift from God, so it is up to you to repay the gift by helping someone else.'
--Wendy C., Australia

Even though [my friend] Sue has her own health and money struggles, she has brought me boxes of daily staples (toilet paper, dish and laundry soap) when I needed them. We talk, laugh, cry, and struggle together. All I ever have to do is pick up a phone and she is right there.
--Margo Swintek, Coon Rapids, MN

I'm on disability and I prayed to God to show me how to make ends meet and he blessed me with a part-time job. After my first day on the job, I noticed everyone ate on the run, but the vending machines were overpriced. When I received my first paycheck, I brought in snack-size potato chips and shelled peanuts in a bag. I also froze bottled water to share Individually with my coworkers. It makes me feel real good inside to see the appreciation on my coworkers' faces while they are drinking the cold water and eating the snacks.
--Yvonne, Norfolk, VA

When I was young I always wanted to do things for people. One hot summer day, instead of drinking my cold bottle of water, I decided to offer it to the helpers and the maids in my school. During my lunch time I went running to the lab where all the maids sat and ate their lunch. I was excited but nervous, too. When I entered the room, I saw one maid sitting with her lunch box in a corner. I went to her and, without saying anything, offered my bottle of cold water. She was surprised and happy. I still remember seeing a thankful smile on her face. When I was about to leave the room, she called my name. As I turned, I saw a small apricot in her hand. Almost 25 years have passed, but the memory of that moment is still with me.
--Seema Chowdhury, Bangladesh, India

Offer to spend time with someone's children or take them someplace.
--Angel Love, Port Orange, FL

I like to surprise little children (and sometimes adults) in a grocery store, a restaurant, or somewhere else by giving them an angel pin just for being such beautiful little people.
--Carla Stopher

Since I was a little girl I have always loved animals. I have a list of people who want new pets and another list of people who have to find new homes for their pets. It really makes me feel good when I can connect people with pets.
--Gloria Federman, Valparaiso, IN

I create prayer posters which I usually give away "gratis" to inspire, bring comfort, and spread God's word to those in need.
--Nadene Hampton, Bronx, NY

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