2016-06-08 2016-06-08

Develop a Positive Bond with Angels

By Glennyce S. Eckersley and Gary Quinn

Powerful affirmations will help you learn how to be receptive to celestial beings and how to accept their help as it is offered. Angelic powers can protect you, guide you, and strengthen your connection with the Higher Source.

By repeating affirmations, you will strengthen your bond with the angels. You may wish to write down some of the affirmations so that you can carry them with your and draw on them whenever you want to.

Begin saying these positive angel affirmations to get closer to your angels.

Quoted with permission, from Angel Wisdom (c) 2008 by Glennyce S. Eckersley and Gary Quinn, published by Tarcher/Penguin.

Attract Only Miracles

I am open to my guardian angels.
I am protected and guided by my angels.
I trust that my guide will attract only miracles in my life.

Be Open to Healing

I am open to my healing angels.
I am healthy, whole, and complete.
I allow my Inner Light to shine bright.

Say 'Yes' to Success

I choose to say yes to success in all areas of my life.
I let the inner wisdom of truth shine in my life.
My life is a magnificent blessing of peace and trust.

Receive Loving-Kindness

I am joyously receiving loving-kindness.
My life flows easily and effortlessly.
I live in the now.

Accept Wonderful Experiences

I am thankful for my life and my angel of perception.
I create perfect health for myself.
I accept wonderful experiences in my life.

Anticipate Greatness

I accept my life in perfect harmony and
Celebrate my uplifting thoughts and actions.

I recognize and anticipate that greatness is
Always present and available for me.

I act and speak with a pure mind.

Radiate Love

I radiate constant love and abundance.
I believe in the power of love.
I give thanks for my angel of love.

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