Now that summer’s over, our inclination is to fall into a “healthy food hibernation” during the fall and winter months. For many of us, that means simply caving in to so many unhealthy holiday temptations that pack the extra pounds onto our bodies. Unfortunately, the negative health consequences of extra pounds are awake and on the prowl year-round seeking to devour our health. That’s why it’s critically important over the next few months to keep our focus on a firm foundation of healthy eating.
Millions of dieters fail to keep the pounds off permanently because they are trying to lose weight for all the wrong reasons. The good news is that we can train our minds to choose powerful, right reasons to lose the fat and keep it off, permanently. Over the next several days, I will share with you my “Ten Commandments of Dieting that Your Doctor Will Never Tell You.”
1. Thou shalt not worship food as your god.
Food was designed to serve us—not to make us ugly and fat and then kill us! We should never put food before our health, happiness, and beauty. When we are overeating, we are placing our minds and bodies in the direct path of disease and death. The impact is inevitable, and the fall-out of such an ugly crash affects not only you, but all who love you.
Food should serve us with health-building nourishment, giving us energy and great-looking skin, hair, and nails that we are proud to possess. Are we serving food that is making us fat, ugly, and disease-prone instead? If you are, it should make you downright mad and disgusted at the situation. Show a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T for your body and your mind by not letting food disrespect your beauty and health. I’ve already made up my mind to never let food dominate my life and my health (where I end up serving the Almighty Fork and Plate)—but I’ve chosen to have food be my servant, where I’m in control, using it for my higher good.
Remember, outward changes start with deep inward convictions and decisions. You can choose to stop worshipping food right now by taking over the reins. “Just say no.”
Dieting Wisdom: If we are trying to lose weight only to look better in a bathing suit, we are headed toward an ugly failure.
Millions fail to keep the pounds off permanently because they are trying to lose weight for all the wrong reasons. The good news is that we can train our minds to choose powerful, right reasons to lose the fat and keep it off, permanently.
One of my favorite sayings is that, “Persistence always dominates.” Constantly pressing onward to make our dreams a reality will make them happen. Note that I said “persistence,” not “perfection.” None of us are perfect.
We all have our “Saint Days” and “Sinner Days” when it comes to dieting, but the key is to be persistent. If we persist in fighting the good fight by taking the following “commandments” to heart, it will lead to consistently winning in the Nutritional War. We will dominate our fat and wrinkles.
Aaron Tabor, MD., is a diet and nutrition expert and book author. You can learn more about his weight-loss philosophy and weight-loss system by visiting