
kirstie alley
  • Faith: Scientology
  • Career: Actress
  • Birthday:  January 12, 1951
  • Date of Death:  December 05, 2022

The Cheers star was raised in a Methodist home, but her personal struggles that played out in the public arena revealed a break from those beliefs. Allie’s issues have included using cocaine due at least partially to issues with her own weight. After converting to Scientology she became clean, and eventually lost the weight too.

 Kirstie Alley passed away on December 5, 2022 after battling cancer. 

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Uh-oh Not This Again!
In a reboot of the century, we take an already popular movie and remake it from the 1980s. It's like our writers are on strike and we hired a bunch of drunk dudes from a frat party and remade this movie. Once they sobered up and realize they were in way over their heads they went ahead and bailed out of the studio but not before making a final cut that's over 4 hours long and nothing to do with anything from the original movie.

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