The USA Today reported the findings of a new holiday survey over half (56%) of 18-29 year old Americans believe Christmas is not primarily “religious.” To quote LIfeWay president Ed Stetzer, “A lot of Americans celebrate Christmas like they participate in yoga: unaware and unconcerned about its religious roots.”
But let us be clear: Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth. The word “Christmas” is from Christ-mass, a time of worship concerning the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Whether Americans celebrate this aspect or not, this does not change the fact that December 25th has long been the date Christians of all backgrounds have traditionally recognized the birth of their Lord.
Yes, there are other holidays during December, and certainly an often unhealthy focus on the non-religious aspects of the holiday. However, without Jesus, there is no Christmas.
Let us remember today, despite work, shopping, or stresses of the day, that in two days we will commemorate the day God became a baby; the Creator joined creation; the Messiah entered the manger.
Let us not forget Christ. Let us embrace the Advent, the coming of our Lord, this Christmas.
DILLON BURROUGHS is an author, activist, and co-founder of Activist Faith. Dillon served in Haiti following the epic 2010 earthquake and has investigated modern slavery in the US and internationally. His books include Undefending Christianity, Not in My Town (with Charles J. Powell), and Thirst No More (October 2011). Discover more at