If you’ve never heard of an organization called Joni and Friends, you are truly missing out. The premiere disability ministry in our nation, Joni and Friends provides a powerful example of how Christians are called to show love in practical ways to those with disabilities.

My favorite program they lead is called “Wheels for the World.” The simple idea is to provide wheelchairs to every person around the world who needs one but lacks access.

You can read an overview below, but I encourage you to check out their photo gallery for inspiring stories of how mobility changes lives.

From Wheels for the World:

Wheels for the World provides a free wheelchair, along with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children and adults affected by disability worldwide.

Since 1994, our Wheels for the World ministry has presented the Gospel by delivering wheelchairs and Bibles in developing countries. But Wheels for the World is not simply about “dropping off a wheelchair.” It’s about changing the hearts, minds, and lives of people. It’s about transforming societies, village by village, person by person. Wheels for the World shares the love of Jesus Christ, extended through the gift of mobility, bringing hope, joy, and salvation to children and adults with disabilities around the world.


DILLON BURROUGHS is an author, activist, and co-founder of Activist Faith. Dillon served in Haiti following the epic 2010 earthquake and has investigated modern slavery in the US and internationally. His books include Undefending Christianity, Not in My Town (with Charles J. Powell), and Thirst No More (October). Discover more at ActivistFaith.org.

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