I blame it on the ‘WP Word Count’ plugin that I installed. It tells me how many words are written/published by each contributor on the site. And as the guy who started the site, I’m definitely leading all contributors with a whopping 300,000 published words!

When I look back at some of the things that I’ve written about over the years, there are certainly some posts and series of posts that stand out.

But few have as much meaning to me as the posts related to my 2009 Business as Mission trip with Five Talents International to Kenya and Uganda.

It was my first ever mission trip.

That trip kinda rocked me, as you could probably imagine. But just as important is how I ended up on that trip. I’m not a seminary-trained pastor, or some big-time non-profit CEO. I’m just a dude who sits in a church, just like you, with a desire to be used by an Awesome God.

Using my daily trip journals for inspiration, I’ve put together my first e-book that’s scheduled to be released on October 10, 2011!

But this book is much more than a list of stories. Because if all I did was put together an interesting memoir of that trip, then I’ve failed in sharing something that can go much deeper. Rather I use the stories as a launch point to talk about how we can all break away from the lukewarm Christianity that binds even the most well-intended Christians.

The book is loaded with practical ideas that can help you discover the same kind of passion and purpose that I’ve discovered through that first mission trip.

So, I’m really excited about this book! And I pray that you enjoy it and are challenged by it.

I’ll share more when it becomes available on Amazon (for Kindle), Barnes & Noble (for Nook), and E-Junkie (for PDF). In the meantime, I have two ways that you can start checking it out now…

I look forward to hearing what you think! Let me know if you have any questions, or would like to talk more about the book.

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