Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya–revolution is spreading. Many of us want to help, but what can we really do? (Even The Guardian is getting in on the question.) Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of praying for those in Libya. In addition, however, various groups are starting to provide opportunities to offer practical assistance in some…

Unrest in Libya has turned deadly for some. As the Middle East Revolution spreads, innocents are caught in the crossfire. At the very least, we should care and pray for them. As I listened to the report this morning on NPR, I realized that if the same tragedy took place in America, life would stop.…

An important petition opportunity from my friends at Open Doors USA to support religious freedom in the Middle East. Thanks for helping change the world! -Dillon +++ As revolutions grow in the Middle East, it is critical that the United States promote the freedom of religion as foundational to the formation of strong civil societies.…

Great post on the growth of the Activist Faith movement by Dan King. +++ I’ve been thinking a LOT lately about what it means to be a Christian. I remember a time when I worked in the youth group with a bunch of 8th-grade guys, and I asked them what it meant to be a Christian. I…

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