My friend Charles Powell has a heart to show mercy. How does he go about this? His plan is to make it impossible for people to buy and sell human beings in America. His organization, the Mercy Movement, exist to create awareness, educate society, and empower citizens to non-violent actions that reduce human trafficking and…

Did you know you can actually write letters to Christians who have been arrested because of their faith? At, you can write a letter to the persecuted believer listed each month. This is an opportunity to encourage a believer imprisoned for their faith in a very personal and direct way. Just this week, I…

Activist Faith co-founder Dan King interviews author and speaker Margaret Feinberg on igniting your passion for God, an issue critical to us all as we see to make a difference with the abilities God has given us. Read, watch, share, and be inspired to live out your faith today! +++ You are reading the Margaret Feinberg…

“This is the story of an unusual year, when I did something I never intended to do. But it is also a course in discovery and playing towards God, through spiritual practice, offered with gentle expectations.” ~ L.L. Barkat Some of the best growth we can experience is completely unintended. It comes in those moments…

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