Activist Faith co-founder Dan King interviews author and speaker Margaret Feinberg on igniting your passion for God, an issue critical to us all as we see to make a difference with the abilities God has given us. Read, watch, share, and be inspired to live out your faith today! +++ You are reading the Margaret Feinberg…

World Vision, the global Christian humanitarian behemoth, has turned micro. Microfinance that is. Microfinance, for those unaware, is the concept of providing a small loan (as low as $25 US) to help a person in the developing world start a sustainable business. When that loan is repaid, the person can borrow a larger amount to…

In June 2009, I traveled to Titanyen, Haiti, for a week of missionary activity with Mission of Hope, my second journey to the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. On our last morning, we began the trip back to the Port-au-Prince airport in the back of a delivery truck, similar to the affectionately called “tap…

Perhaps there is nothing the human heart craves more than true love. We are wired to love and be loved. The problem is that we don’t actually understand what love really is. We get all kinds of definitions from the culture and from our own feelings. In fact, I think it’s helpful to think a…

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