El Señor le ordenó a Moisés: «Ve a advertirle al faraón que así dice el Señor: “Deja ir a mi pueblo para que me rinda culto”. -Éxodo 08:01 ¿Por qué le dio Dios a su pueblo la libertad? Así que ellos podrían adorarlo. No se les dio libertad para perseguir sus propios intereses, para mejorar…

For your Sunday reflection, here are five of my favorite quotes on the issue of compassion. Enjoy and be inspired. Feel free to share! “Go and do likewise.” -Jesus “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.” -Seneca “Compassion is not a religious business, it is a human business.” -the…

Big news from Activist Faith co-founder Dan King and friends from HelpOneNow.org… +++ You’re reading about the #Help1Haiti Bloggers Trip. Read more: here we go… @helponenow haiti bloggers 2012 three reasons to follow the @helponenow haiti bloggers sometimes it’s messy work on the importance of coming back in which God is up to something together, our stories…

When I speak about stopping human trafficking, people often ask, “How?” I don’t have all of the answers, but in our book and DVD Not in My Town, Charles Powell and I include a chapter that shares many of the solutions we are discovering along the way. These include ideas we have implemented, along with…

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