World Vision, the global Christian humanitarian behemoth, has turned micro. Microfinance that is. Microfinance, for those unaware, is the concept of providing a small loan (as low as $25 US) to help a person in the developing world start a sustainable business. When that loan is repaid, the person can borrow a larger amount to…

Big news from Activist Faith co-founder Dan King and friends from… +++ You’re reading about the #Help1Haiti Bloggers Trip. Read more: here we go… @helponenow haiti bloggers 2012 three reasons to follow the @helponenow haiti bloggers sometimes it’s messy work on the importance of coming back in which God is up to something together, our stories…

Justin Dillon is an artist, entrepreneur, public speaker, and abolitionist. He is the founder and CEO of Slavery Footprint, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending forced labor, human trafficking, and modern-day slavery through increased public awareness, action, and advocacy. The following is a guest blog post featuring his latest way you can help end the…

I posted this on Facebook the other day and had some interesting dialogue. I’m sharing it here both for shared insights and comments you may have. At the least, it is clear that even early Christians had strong convictions about the unborn and people (at all stages of life) being created in God’s image. Enjoy!…

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