I posted this on Facebook the other day and had some interesting dialogue. I’m sharing it here both for shared insights and comments you may have. At the least, it is clear that even early Christians had strong convictions about the unborn and people (at all stages of life) being created in God’s image. Enjoy!…

[Guest post by Activist Faith co-founder Daniel Darling, minister, author, and speaker, and friend, interviewing WorldCrafts president and New Hope CEO Dr. Andrea Mullins. Worldcrafts is a Christian fair-trade artisan group based in Birmingham, AL.] I have found Andrea to be a wonderful friend, someone who is deeply passionate about sharing the gospel around the…

You’ve probably been asked to pray for an underprivileged child or solider, but for a terrorist? This is exactly what the website Adopt a Terrorist for Prayer requests. Based on the words of Jesus, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” found in Matthew 5:44, the site offers specific terrorists to choose…

One in eight people on our planet lack access to clean drinking water. Though it does not draw the attention of headline news like war or natural disasters, lack of clean water kills millions of people each year. My friends at Living Water International believe this is not only a social issue but a spiritual…

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