Activist Faith

Did you know that social networking giant LinkedIn has updated its system to allow users to add volunteerism and causes? This may not seem a big deal to some, but consider the possibilities. What if every Christian on LinkedIn took a few minutes to let the world know (of at least their friends know) how…

In kindergarten, racism was not part of my vocabulary. My friends had skin of all kinds of colors in our somewhat urban environment. We were brothers and sisters, friends and buddies. Whether learning to tie our shoes or eat glue, we were one family.Second grade presented a different twist. My parents left the city like…

People often ask me why I am involved in activist issues as a Christian. I tell people, “For the Bible tells me so.” Here are some of my favorite verses for your reflection for this Sunday: He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act…

MSNBC reported American home foreclosures accounted for 28 percent of all home sales in 2011, a share nearly six times higher than what it would be in a healthy housing market. Yes, this is depressing news. Some would even call it a depression. But foreclosure is not always inevitable. We sometimes see family, friends, and…

There’s a reason I sponsor a child through Compassion International--Compassion changes lives. Richmond is one of them. His story is shared in short below, but you have to view the video to watch him share the story himself. If you think sending money each month to release someone in poverty doesn’t work, Richmond’s experience will…

Today is my birthday. While parties are not the same as when I was a kid (Though my kids have thrown me a Star Wars party in the past!), there is something special about the encouragement of birthday cards, calls, and even little “Happy Birthday!” notes on Facebook. Encouragement is powerful. As people of faith,…

“This is the story of an unusual year, when I did something I never intended to do. But it is also a course in discovery and playing towards God, through spiritual practice, offered with gentle expectations.” ~ L.L. Barkat Some of the best growth we can experience is completely unintended. It comes in those moments…

I was honored to find a blogger quoting my book Not in My Town in a recent post on standing against modern slavery. What surprised me was that the part that stood out to this writer were the “What if” questions I posed toward the end of my writing. In challenging Christians to stand up…

Activist Faith co-founder Dan King interviews author and speaker Margaret Feinberg on igniting your passion for God, an issue critical to us all as we see to make a difference with the abilities God has given us. Read, watch, share, and be inspired to live out your faith today! +++ You are reading the Margaret Feinberg…

Did you know you can actually write letters to Christians who have been arrested because of their faith? At, you can write a letter to the persecuted believer listed each month. This is an opportunity to encourage a believer imprisoned for their faith in a very personal and direct way. Just this week, I…

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