The weary from our past and the worry for our future is toxic to our faith.  When the road seems both unbearable and unrelenting, we must remember that  every season must come to an en

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No matter a person’s theological beliefs, I’m fairly certain we’d all agree with Solomon who wrote, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV). Yet, while we rejoice when it’s time to dance, our times of mourning or weeping can cause us to scan the exits nervously, preparing if necessary, for a hasty escape.

Unfortunately, life offers no shortage of new obstacles or difficult seasons.

If our faith falters, extended seasons of struggle can cause our vision to mislead us, casting a mirage of unending sorrow that leaves us almost dazed.

The weary from our past and the worry for our future is toxic to our faith.

During these strenuous seasons, when the road seems both unbearable and unrelenting, we must remember that

Every Season Must Come to an End

No trial lasts forever. Our circumstances, like us, are continually in a state of flux. Our daily lives are made of a thousand little intersections with many different people. In turn, each individual is also facing countless interactions within their personal situations.

We do not live in isolation, but are connected in ways that we often overlook. We may not be able to discern the reason behind God’s timing, and that’s understandable.

We are only human.

But we serve a great, big, amazing God, and

He Uses Our Difficult Situations For Our Good

God is continually moving and busily working through the situations in our lives, and the lives of others, to bring His good will to pass. We are unable to see into the hearts, minds and walks of those around us. But, He who walks with us works through all things to see His good purpose for us – and the world – fulfilled.

And He is more than faithful.

Although some trials may have lasted days beyond days, if we look closely, we will find that

He Gives us Gracious Rest Even in the Desert Places

Often, unexpected blessings and life’s little joys are overshadowed by life’s more challenging moments. When we focus on fixing or dealing with our problems, we take our eyes off of Christ, and can miss untold miracles, both big and small – like the unexpected answer to unspoken prayer or the adoring smile of our children.

If we have undertaken a walk of submission to God’s will, and our feet have begun to ache in our journey, it is a signal that we are in need of rest. Yet, not necessarily rest from our burden, but a rest from focusing on it, and from carrying it.

If we can refocus on the One who gives us strength for the journey we will find that

The Struggle is an Opportunity to Grow Closer to Christ

Humans have an amazing ability to adapt and adjust. However, because of our tendency toward pride, many of us grow best through our troubles. When all is well, life seems manageable. This illusion of control often leads us to rely on our own wisdom and understanding.

But a real good complication can send us quickly to our knees.

Maturity teaches that we can only control our own choices.

Then we begin to realize how desperately we need the only One who holds control. Hopefully, our realization leads us to submission, and as we submit to our Creator, trusting in His love and power

Our Faith Makes Room For God’s Abundant Provision

Fear and worry are in direct opposition to our faith. We can not stand on both.

God’s Word is clear: without faith it is impossible to please Him.

But, He rewards those who choose faith.

God longs to hear and answer our prayers. They are a declaration of our trust in His provision.

Our heartfelt petitions are like love-songs that proclaim our confidence in a devoted Father.

As a shift in our focus fuels a shift in our faith, we find that we have become uniquely positioned so that

Our Struggles are an Opportunity to Display God’s Glory

God does not waste a tear, nor a single bead of sweat. He sees us in our private places, and like a good Father, He grieves when we mourn.

But, God is so much than a good Father. Unlike our earthly fathers, who can only offer comfort,

God desires to use the suffering in our lives to reveal His glory.

The abundant provision and mysterious intervention demonstrated through faith-filled lives are specifically designed to draw others to Him.

However, the love of Christ is also intimate and personal, intricately assigned in a manner that reveals

God’s Power is Made Perfect in Our Weakness

Our suffering not only serves to bless others, but has a specific purpose in our individual lives.

Through the process of overcoming we grow both in meekness and in power.

As we embrace a heart of humility that recognizes our need for Christ, and submit to His unfailing love, He replaces our weariness with renewed strength.

And where there was once weariness, we will find that indescribable peace that is only found by resting in the power and provision of the Lord.

For further study: Romans 8:28, John 11:4, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Mathew 4:11

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