Military Heroes – U. S. Army Ed Black On Dec. 18, 1942, Ed Black and his father sat in New York City’s Penn Station, waiting for the young soldier to catch a train to report for duty. As they waited, Black’s father, who drove an ambulance at the front during World War I, wrote a…

Military Heroes – Scot’s Guard Jimmy Storie “Jimmy Storie was the last surviving member of “The Originals”, the handful of men with David Stirling at the birth of the SAS, and who survived the first disastrous SAS operation. “In late 1941, in the desert war of North Africa, Storie was one of 65 men and…

Military Heroes – U. S. Marine Corps Sgt. Phillip McCulloch Today’s featured hero was spotlighted previously for his heroic actions in the Sangin Valley in Afghanistan.  Today, subscribers can view the video of his receiving the Silver Star, the third highest medal for valor in the nation. U.S Marine Sgt. Phillip McCulloch of Mike Company,…

Military Heroes – U. S. Navy Bobbi Hovis USN (Ret.) Hovis was the first Navy nurse to volunteer to go to Vietnam in 1963. Her mission, to build a hospital in Saigon. She describes in detail what it was like when the coup d’etat started on the streets as the city around her was being…

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