U. S. Military Veterans Many of the Men in this video have given their lives in heroic action for their country and for the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. Several of these Men were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Their Brothers in Arms deserve no less recognition for their service…… For a moving video……

Military Heroes – U. S. Army SSG Robert B. “Brian” Cowdrey There is a special place in this world and the next for the healers.  This is especially true for a very special breed of healer. Those that truly know what it means to be of the brotherhood, that know honor and courage in a…

Military Heroes – U. S. Army Joe Beimfohr Even though he’d been in the Army for ten years, Joe Beimfohr never knew war until he was sent to Iraq. A sergeant in a Calvary platoon, he led reconnaissance and security missions, always wary of the perils, such as improvised explosive devices, or IEDs. Then, a…

Military Heroes – U. S. Air Force SSgt Robert Gutierrez The President of the United States of America, authorized by Title 10, Section 8742, United States Code, takes pleasure in presenting the Air Force Cross to Staff Sergeant Robert Gutierrez, Jr., United States Air Force, for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an armed enemy…

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