Sherry Gaba LCSW, Psychotherapist, Life& Recovery Coach is featured Celebrity Rehab on VH1. Sherry is the authorof “The Law of Sobriety” which uses the law of attraction to recover from any addiction. Please download yourcopy of “Manifest Holistic Health” from Sherry’s Enrich Your Life Series. Contact Sherry at for webinars, teleseminars, coaching packages and speaking engagements. Listen to Sherry on “A Moment of Change with Sherry Gaba”on CBS Radio.

Many years ago  one of the key slogans or phrases of the day to tell people that seemed to have an
issue with what you were doing, thinking or saying that they needed an
“attitude adjustment”. In fact, most people that find that others are
negative, unhelpful, destructive or even obstructionist may need to do a
self-attitude adjustment before they are able to see any meaningful change.
Constantly butting heads, figuratively of course, with everyone around you may
be a sign that you have a real problem.

I outlined a scenario of a self-attitude adjustment in my book, “The Law of Sobriety”. I learned
about focusing in on using the Law of Attraction, or the need to seek the
positives in the world can work wonders in your life. In my scenario I talk
about my own experiences in searching for someone that embodied what I wanted
to help me through a difficult time in my life. Unfortunately I thought it was
material things that mattered, but what I came to understand it was spiritual
or internal coaching that I needed.

Learning to have an attitude of gratitude turned my life around. Instead of looking for negatives
in people, I looked for what they contributed to my life that was positive. I
looked to what I appreciated, which I found in overwhelming qualities once I
stopped grieving over what I didn’t have. I quickly discovered that once I
ceased mentally whining about not having the “things” I wanted but
rather focused on the opportunities I had, the universe magically provided
those things. Through seeing opportunities my options for becoming who I wanted
to be was right there, crystal clear, with positive people to guide me whenever
I needed them. This understanding was and is the essential attitude adjustment
we all need.

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