We send great waves of love into your heart and mind, awakening your love for life itself. Ask Archangel Chamuel to help guide you to more loving thoughts and feelings. He is Gods messenger of love. Surround yourself with romantic beauty such as roses and candles. Give any emotional hurt to the angels, and let that heal. The angels say that romance springs from falling in love with life itself. When you let the angels awaken this love within you, you naturally attract and experience a more romantic love into all your relationships.

The Angels are addressing, and assisting you by helping to bring more romance into your life.  When you ask for assistance, be open to accept more love in your life and for your life. 


Your angels have heard your appeals for romance. We hear your pleas for love. We acknowledge your heart’s yearnings for love. We have received and hear your requests for more love in your life.  As you adopt a more loving attitude for yourself and your life, you will find that you naturally attract more loving people to you and together you can create the romance you have been longing for.

Now you will work together with us to manifest the romance you are seeking. Your angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish. For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination. It is important that you act upon the guidance you feel. Your angels want to help you, but they cannot do the journey for you, they can only guide you and set up the events that will lead you to your goals. The angels guidance may ask you to engage in self-discovery and self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars. Follow this guidance, and you will discover more about yourself and your life. As you do this, you just might notice that the romance that you seek finds you!

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox


Read more: http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/angelguidance

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