Living abundantly means there is enough the different aspects of your life, not just monetarily. Choose to see your life from an abundant perspective and live a more abundant life.


There are many wonderful things happening around you to help to show you how to live your life abundantly. Choose to see the world as abundant. See the infinite possibilities of life. Begin by focusing your attention on what you love to do. Invest wisely with your time and with your money. You are now ready to begin creating a life you love, doing activities you love, and experiencing the joy of living abundantly. The energy that comes back to you when you make a meaningful contribution to the world is a great reward.

Use past successful experiences to draw upon!

Use the energy from a successful past experience to help you create more of what you desire for yourself. Remember the feelings from a time in your past when you were on top of the world, wild with success and feeling great personal satisfaction from a job well done. Stop for a moment and let that feeling grow even stronger as you remember. Feel the satisfaction in your body, mind, heart and , and feel it deeply in your soul. Surround yourself in a bubble of this energy and wear it like a cloak of protection.

Allow yourself to grow spiritually, to open your heart, gain compassion, and be alive living a valuable and rewarding life. Use the power of attraction to help you attract to you more of what you desire in your life.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon’s book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Check out Sharon’s daily Angel Guidance Messages


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