Human Angels are everywhere! When needed, they fly into action and make a real difference. As we evacuated our community on fire the other day we were astounded by the amazing people we encountered along the way. It took us 15 hours to get to our destination for a trip that would normally take us 6 hours. We had to go north as all roads south were blocked by fire. Loaded in mom’s truck with what belongings we thought were important, 5 dogs and a cat we were off on our adventure.

It was amazing to witnessed the kindness of strangers on the way north. There were ranches in the middle of nowhere with signs for taking in people and animals. There was even some hay beside the road for those in need. We even saw a human angel who baked food and had a coffee stop at the end of her driveway for wary travelers. We were even given 20% off at a drive thru when we stopped for coffee and a snack in the middle of night. We were continually amazed at the support and kind wishes from those along the way.

One of our dogs is a rescue with some issues and not suitable for an urban environment. He is a big boy so we knew we had to have a place with a suitable yard and neighbourhood so we made our plans. We were on alert to be ready to evacuate and had already been living out of suitcases for 4 days. I am in charge of the Meals on Wheels program in our community and since the kitchen was being shut down we were free to go.

After a long and slow drive, we arrived at our 1st destination. It was 3 am when they dropped me off and my mom and her menagerie continued on to stay with some relatives in the country. I am continually amazed by the people I meet here in the city. I even rode the elevator with a lady who’s brother owns a business where I am. Her family has also been impacted by the fire. She has become a new friend and introduced me around as the lady from the fire.

There is now at evacuation centre set up at the Coast. It is a bit far away from where I am staying but I am hoping to get out there to volunteer some time. It has been beautiful to witness and experience all the good wishes, love and support that has been around us. So many beautiful and caring people are stepping up and wearing the human angel wings.

I am also deeply touched by the messages from my readers around the world. I have received many emails of prayers, hope and support, it makes my heart sing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and continue to send thoughts and prayers. Keep up prayers for rain with no wind or lightening. Also love and gratitude to our first responders and fire fighters for all that they do. As well, to those beautiful human angels who are taking care of them.

Your Angel Guidance is think of a way you can be the Human Angels for someone or something in your Community:

Lets make the decision today to make a difference in some way in your community. Volunteer for a cause that speaks to your heart. Go out and smile and greet the people you meet with a smile and open heart. Share your light and sparkle with everyone you meet.

Becoming human angels is so simple and lights a better way. Make the choice to be the change you wish to see in the world and just do it. Not only does it help to make change, it feels fantastic too!

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon’s book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Check out Sharon’s daily Angel Guidance Messages


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