Be Brave enough to listen to your Heart. It takes great courage to learn to trust yourself, to trust your heart. It is an important step in your growth. Are you ready to begin to listen to your heart?
Take time to breathe and slow yourself down and then begin to listen to the promptings of your heart. It takes courage to truly listen and when you do, it is a profound experience. Allow yourself to connect deeply and then listen, listen, listen. You will know what to do.
When you do things from your soul, you feel like you have a river moving in you. You are moving with the current and life begins to flow. It is a glorious feeling to act from the perspective of your heart, as your angels do for you.
Make the best of where your are at each moment. When you make the best of what is, no matter what ‘it’ is, it gets better. When you make the best of whatever you are focused upon, it gets better than your now. What could be better than life getting better? Isn’t that what you really want anyway?
Your Angel Guidance is to be brave and listen to your heart:
Be brave enough to follow your own heart. This isn’t always the path others want you to take. That is okay, it isn’t their path anyway. Sometimes the path will seem lonely. You are never truly alone. Your angels want to remind you of that, always they are with you, at your side.
Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox