What a fantastic Idea for the Advent season. Doesn’t really matter what your belief system is, there isn’t any better way to be more ‘christ’ like than making a point each day to participate in an action of kindness.

Credit for starting this amazing idea is Christopher Allen on You Tube47016290_10159189676108647_8576103259708588032_n

I saw this floating around social media. What a great way to celebrate the month of December and each other during this time of the year. Lots of people don’t or even can’t celebrate the holidays, regardless of beliefs or religions. This calendar fits the bill for all of us!

Update, an amazing reader shared with me an update to the Advent of Kindness origin..please check out his You Tube Video to go with it…Each day Christopher shares his experiences!

You can even make your own calendar, or follow along this one. What is most important is to begin to think of ways you can make a difference each day and make the world a kinder place.

It also a great activity to do something other than shop for holidays or hurry about, missing the real point to the coming of the holidays.

Your Angel Guidance is to take a day each day of this month and celebrate the Advent of Kindness

You don’t need to follow this wonderful idea exactly like the picture. You can set your intention in the morning to do something that day that will make a difference in someone else’s day. Then, as you go about your day, look for opportunities to do something kind. In the evening, journal about your day and the experiences you had and felt.

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels


A great Christmas Gift is Sharon’s book  Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin to read a page today!

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