With the clearing of the snow, we can now walk our local Labyrinth. I love the labyrinth. It does wonderful things including helping you let go of energy that doesn’t serve you.


With no indoor labyrinth in my area, spring becomes a rite of passage as I wait for the snow to melt. Now that the path is clear, I am ready to start clearing away the winter cobwebs so to speak.

The labyrinth is the best tool to help you regain your focus. It can help you let go of anxiety and feel better. I have taught labyrinth workshops and taken family, friends and clients. Some are a bit sceptical at first, but most just love it.

I remember my first time. Like many people, I expected a maze, like in the movie The Labyrinth, staring David Bowie. The picture above is from Naramata, BC. That was my first one. I did it as a group. It was raining, it was cold, it didn’t really move me. I decided later to do it on my own when the sun had come out. I enjoyed it much more. It became a ritual for me. A few times a year when I was at the festivals at Naramata, I looked forward to my walks.

They are sacred space. They are transformational. Really, one should experience them. I have included a link to the labyrinth Locators site to help you find one near you. They are worth the journey.

Your Angel Guidance is to find a Labyrinth near you or build one to help you clear.

Here is a link to the Labyrinth Societies Labyrinth Locators Page.  If you know of a labyrinth that is not on the list, encourage someone official to share it with the world. I love to find labyrinths when I travel and this is my go to site.

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels


Jump into self exploration and Spring with Sharon’s book, Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin reading a page today!

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