I have spent a lot of time contemplating life over the past few weeks as I prepared the eulogy for my sister-in-law’s Celebration of her life.  When we are putting together a lifetime into a few pages and trying to capture her essences as best we can, it causes one to also look at their own life in a different way.


I think it is important to celebrate a life, not mourn the loss. This does not mean we don’t miss them, but as a student of metaphysics, my belief is in so much more. One of the things I would like to see change is how we look at the end of a physical lifetime. So, as I prepared for her celebration, I did a lot of inner soul searching of my life too, as well as a lot of research on how others celebrated their exit.

I have been studying for the past four years for my a degree in metaphysical ministry. When I am done, I do plan to offer ceremonies and celebrations for weddings, celebrations of life, and more spiritual counselling, so this was a great experience for me to put together. When my time comes, I want a party, then I want my ashes to be put together with my pets and we can all become a tree.

One of the send off homes I wanted to share with my readers is a beautiful story that made the news here in Canada because Dan and Stef decided to openly share their story. As friends and followers in real life and on facebook, I was there to watch, send love and healing, and share in this beautiful love story from that first blister. When Dan began to have some health issues, we were sending him strength and light. Some holistic healers feel we have failed because Dan isn’t in physical form anymore, but nothing could be further from the truth. Death, or freeing the spirit from the physical body is the ultimate healing and I just love that they were so willing to put themselves out there and share their story. I think it was generous and brave.

Dan left behind some words of wisdom worth remembering and repeating…

“My best advice is if you want to do something in life get on with it. Tomorrow you may be in here with a little blister on your toe and there goes all your life – all your plans. All your stuff, everything you thought you were going to do – out the window. And there’s nothing you can do about it. So my best advice is do it now. Just get out there and do it. You’ve got nothing to lose and if you wait to do it later you have everything to lose.” 

(from https://www.kelownacapnews.com/news/keremeos-man-chooses-death-with-dignified-party-music-whiskey-and-cigars-included/

Here are some of the links to their brave share and beautiful story:




Your Angel Guidance is to journal when you find yourself contemplating your life:

Look at your life and remember Dan’s words, “Tomorrow you may find a little blister on your toe and there goes all your life…”, Don’t wait, do something today towards your goals and dreams for you really only have today!

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels


Sharon’s book contains lots of messages to meditate with Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin reading a page today!

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