Taking action steps can be confusing when you are waiting for a sign! How do you know when it is time to act and when it is time to wait and allow?


When you have been working towards important goals and intentions is a good to step up your efforts to making theses goals manifest in your physical world, but how do you know when it is best time to act? Take some deliberate and concentrated action by setting your intentions, making a plan and then doing little steps each day towards those goals. You are on the right track and your focused intention and action will pay off .  This where trusting your intuition and following through with those thoughts and feelings is your best guidance. 

Every small steps will make a difference, but if you have the heart and the mind to make big strides, that is a sign it is time to act on those feelings. Be flexible, be open, and also persistent. Make course adjustments as you feel guided and learn to trust in yourself. You will break through when you keep your focus and determination towards your goals but also learn to live in the joy of each moment in the process of creation. 

Your Angel Guidance is to do become more aware of your thoughts and feelings before you take those action steps.

Your angel guidance is to pay attention to the signs after you have set your intentions for the day. Do this for the big and little steps as the more you allow, the easier it is to create great things. Your angels have faith and trust in you…trust that they are there guiding the way to best steps possible for you!

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels


Sharon’s book contains lots of wonderful ways to work with the angels  Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin reading a page today!

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