The journey to self-healing is one of the most important choices you can make for yourself that can literally change your world in the most positive ways.


There are many ways you can begin to start taking better care of yourself and starting some of them today will help you in so many ways, you will wonder why it took you so long to put yourself first. Self first is not the same as selfish. The difference truly is your motivation. Oftentimes we use food, drink, or even drugs to help alter our reality, and the truth is, it is a matter of thought transformation and making better choices for ourselves and our lives.

Begin by looking at your four bodies. How is your overall health?

Are there changes you can easily make right now that will lead you to better physical health?

How is your emotional world? Are you expressing and feeling love?

Do you need to make some transformations in your thought or mental world to help support you?

How is your spiritual practice? For some this is a religious path, for others this can be spending time in nature, connecting with a tree. It matters not so much what you do to feel and nourish your spirit, it matters that it is heart centred and supports your belief system.

Transformations are happening all around you and in your life. If you feel a lack of movement in your life, then that is a sign that it is time for you to move on to something more meaningful. This can easily be accomplished by looking deeper and exploring a bit of self love.

Your Angel Guidance is to explore some types of self-healing


From Meditation to Reiki, to laying on the earth and letting the mother heal you, there are tons of ways to begin the important journey of healing the self. Give yourself or get yourself a treatment of some kind. You are so important, you angels want you to know this, feel their love, and in turn, love yourself. Take some steps today that lead you in the direction of making your health a priority.  Also check out today’s angel message on self-healing

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels

Sharon’s book contains lots of wonderful ways to work with the angels and Self-Healing Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and start reading today!

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