Another fantastic idea for the holiday season is Inviting Angels over for the holidays is a great way to bless your house.  Since this is the month that many of us celebrate Christmas, we thought it would be a lovely gesture to invite the Angels into your home for the holiday season.


I did this many years ago with the angels and loved the energy it created. When I tried to search the share I found a newer one with the archangels. It is just as lovely so I thought I would share it here. When I do it, I just hold open the doors and invite in the angels I don’t specify who, how or when. It is a lovely idea which ever why you do it…the point is to spend some time over the next month inviting in the angels and see how life gets better!

I have included the directions I found online, but you don’t have to find 3 people and send them off, they do know where to go. We want you to invite them in, spend time with them, and then send them off with love and gratitude.

Preparation Ritual: You will welcome and host the Archangels for 5 days after having prepared a little altar with:

  • A white flower
  • A candle that will stay on the entire time they are with you. It needs to be on shortly before they arrive to show them where they are being called. If needed, it can be blown out when you go out. It is to be left burning whenever you are in your home and while you sleep in a safe container.
  • Put in an envelope a letter with THREE Wishes: one for Mother Earth, one for your family, one for you. Formulate the wishes in a clear and concise way. Keep it simple. Each member of the household can write their own wishes down in an envelope.
  • On the sealed envelope, you will put an apple that you will eat only after they leave. Lay the envelope near your candle and white flower. The house must be clean and tidy much like you would do if you were about to receive guests.

Welcoming the angels: When they arrive in front of your home at 10:30 p.m., you are to open the front door and read this greeting:

“Hello and welcome angels to my home. You were sent to me from _____. (Insert your name when you update the letter for your friends.) I am very grateful to each of you for purifying and bringing peace to this place and to the beings that live in it. I am very grateful to you for bringing harmony, joy and serenity to all of us. I am very grateful to you for fulfilling my wishes.”

From that moment on, the angels make things happen. It is recommended to regard the five days as a special time to give room for the vibration of higher energies to re-align many things. For some, this may mean you want to meditate and to ask questions or you may only be able to find a quiet moment in your busy day, but remember, there is no limitation, TRUST. You can also ask them to go with you as you go through your day. Start to prepare the list of the names and addresses of the 3 or more people who you will ask the angels to visit next after you, along with a letter of instructions. (The number 3 is a recommendation only.) If you have trouble finding someone to pass them on to, let the person who sent them to you know, so they can help keep the energy moving to new people.

At the end of the 5th day:

When it is almost time for them to leave (just before 10:30 p.m.), write the names of each person who has asked to host them next on a piece of paper, and set it near your candle for a few minutes to soak up the light. When it feels right, walk outside with your candle, the piece of paper and express your Gratitude to the angels for all they have brought you. Light the paper on fire in a safe way with the candle. This will pass their names into the ethers and to the Archangels along with the addresses where the Angels will be going to next after 5 days of rest. Wish them a good trip and give more thanks and good wishes, as they journey on to spread their hope, light and love to others who will be hosting the archangels.

Once they leave:

  • Burn the envelope with your wishes in it. This frees up the energy and allows the wishes to manifest. Take the ashes and drop them in a stream of water (not stagnant water). If you live in a cold country, the kitchen sink is acceptable as the water will be recycled to Mother Earth or out into the wind. Express your gratitude.
  • Eat the apple. It will contain lots of good nutrients and more for you.
  • Place the flower outside directly on Mother Earth so that it recycles in a natural way.
  • Send this ritual to the people who will host them next if you haven’t already. (Update these dates/names for your own letter to your friends.)

In the meantime, you will need to find the suggested three people or more for hosting the angels.

To review, after leaving each home, the ANGELS will REST for five days beginning immediately after leaving the hosts home.

Make sure that they confirm back that that time works for them. Do not assume any time will work. It is important want and approve this invitation

Your Angel Guidance is to plan on inviting angels over for the holidays!

What a great way to work with your angels! Have some fun, feel the love, and most of all, enjoy yourselves!

if you want to see a more detailed version… check out this site

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels

A great way for inviting angels over for Christmas is with Sharon’s book  Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin to read a page today!

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