As I work on healing my physical heart with the help of the doctors, my emotional heart is getting an amazing healing from a wonderful new puppy! There is nothing like puppy love to heal a broken heart.

This little beacon of love has made all kinds of changes in my life for sure, but the best of all is more love. His name is Jackson and he is all about love. He needs lots of exercise so he is helping me with my physical healing too.

I know not everyone is a dog person. I do think they should heal that lol, but that is personal opinion…I love all animals. They give to us without conditions unlike most of our human friends. The important message in this sharing isn’t really about dogs though, it is about finding something else to focus your energy on and love.

The fastest way to heal your emotional heart is to let go of what is no longer and focus on something else that either has a possibility or wants to be with you back. If you aren’t getting what you need where you are, why would you ever want to be with that person, place or thing?

The first step is to Find a better Thought! Reach for a better thought or feeling. Once you have a new focus, it will amaze you how quickly that person, place or thing holds you no longer! Live in your now, not in your past. There is always something better on the way. If not, get a puppy, you will be too busy to think about the other stuff lol.

Love and blessings, Sharon, Archangel Sandalphon and the Angels

Here is an affiliate link to Sharon’s book contains lots of wonderful ways to work with the angels and makes a wonderful present. Available here through a amazon link Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and start reading today! 

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