The Angels urge you to care for you physical body, your heart and your mind during this time of great change.  Self care is so very important for your expansion. 


Care for yourself as you would your child. All parts of you are important and need nurturing, especially in these times of great change. You are asked to pay attention to what you eat, what you put into your physical body and to take better care of your health first. Then when you are in a state of equilibrium, you are better able to take care of others.

Meditate, take up gentle exercise, eat well, nourish your body, and most importantly, respect your spirit. Let go of any matters that you’ve been fretting about. Sort out any issues from the past – now is the time to sort these out with some real, solid, caring assistance. The angels want you to remember that they are here to be that assistance, you need only ask and then follow the guidance given. The minds troubles can manifest as the body’s, so please use this time to truly learn how to love yourself.

Your Angel Guidance is to:

Gaze into a candle’s flame; write down the things you love most about all the people that surround you, including yourself. Pay attention to your body and how it feels when you focus on these things- and  love it well!

Check out Sharon’s daily Angel Guidance Messages

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox


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