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Angel Guidance
Oh These Shifting Times!
Sharon Taphorn
We have been going through a huge shift once again and learning how you work in this new energy makes for some fun during these shifting times. Have you been feeling it? There are people you absolutely love who aren’t going to like this new shifting you. Be okay with that. As you are shifting,…
Love Unconditionally, a most Powerful Force
Sharon Taphorn
Love unconditionally! Love is the most powerful force for healing, for growth, for expansion, or for anything at all. Learning to love without conditions, without reservation, and with all of your heart will change your world in a positive way. Love truly heals all things, it is just that many of you have forgotten to…
Create Happiness Jars
Sharon Taphorn
HAPPINESS JARS! What a grand idea. Create a jar or a box to write down your happiest moments. This will help you see and remember the happiest moments of each day. It will also help you program you to become more aware of these moments and have better days! What are Happiness Jars? It is a simple and…
The Power of Thoughts and Feelings
Sharon Taphorn
When you master the power of thoughts, life begins to change in dramatic ways. The key is in understanding your feelings. The fastest way to get you there is to lighten up, chill out, and have some fun. The reason you feel emotions is because of the chemicals that are released into your body. The reason these…
Spiritual Rebirth with Archangel Zadkiel
Sharon Taphorn
We are in a new reality and a new kind of spirituality is at hand, and the Archangel to work with during this rebirth is Archangel Zadkiel. Are you willing to let go and shed all this in-authenticity and be who you really are? It has been a bit of an adventurous time you have …
Karma and Past Lives
Sharon Taphorn
I am often asked about Karma and how past lives play a part in healing this present life. Most of you reading this are old souls. You have come back at this auspicious time in our evolution to help to heal and raise the vibration of humanity. You are an old soul and you have…
How to Tune into Angelic Protection
Sharon Taphorn
It’s been a bit of a wild ride and tuning into your Angelic Protection can help you safely navigate the earth plane as we go through the shifts. Archangel Michael is the Archangel who is best suited to help you with this. He and his legions of helper angels are always ready, standing guard, waiting…
Be a Human Angel and Do Something Good Today!
Sharon Taphorn
Being a human angel is one of the best ways to start becoming a force for change and creating better days. When you set out each day to do something good in the world, it is amazing how fast the world begins to change in positive ways. I have this wonderful ceramic tray that says in…
Attracting Love with Archangel Chamuel
Sharon Taphorn
If you have been wanting to attract a healthy, loving relationship into your life, then Archangel Chamuel is the one to call upon for help and guidance. He works on the pink ray of divine love and his gentleness is perfect to help you find these thoughts and feelings within yourself. Chamuel’s name means “he…
Expanding Awareness with Archangel Uriel
Sharon Taphorn
This is a time of expanding Awareness and the best Archangel to call upon for help you is Archangel Uriel. He can help you to live in the moment. Become more conscious of your thoughts and feelings with this archangel guiding the way. You are always supported by your angels and your guides, even in those…
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