Angel Guidance

Be the reason someone else smiles today! You have the power and ability to make a difference in the world through your action and your words. Imagine how much more amazing each day would be if you began it with setting out to do something positive that affects someone else’s life. When you set your…

Finding solutions in unlikely places is the magic of the changes when embraced.  Sometimes you find your balance by learning to be upside down in life for awhile. To find your way ahead when you cannot see at all which way to go, but must learn to trust your instincts. These are the changes that…

What is this great awakening and what does it mean to you? We have been going through huge opportunities for shifts in our thoughts and feelings on a global and personal scale and many of you have been feeling a restlessness deep in your soul. We are indeed in shifting times and it isn’t always…

What are you making important in your life? When you go through something big, it usually changes the way you see the world. Events that are global often help to shift the many, while personal challenges help to shift the person. There have been many of both happening and that is always a good time…

The gifts that are uniquely yours are important. The best way for you to share your gifts is when you feel balanced, whole, and in control of your life. The best way for you to feel this is by regular indulgence in some Self Care. You have many gifts to share with the world, this…

Are you distracted by all of the drama that has been going on in the world? It seems that a lot of energy, focus, and money is being spent on focusing on worst-case scenarios, past events, and discontentment with life. It is time to choose a different view, a new focus, or perhaps even a new life!…

You are too sensitive! Have you heard this one before? I am no stranger to this comment as I am very much aware of my environment, both within and without. At times it is challenging to deal with, but I have learned to better hone my skills because of this.  Here are some thoughts and tools…

Finding gratitude helps you make things happen in your life. Thank your day everyday! Some days are good days and well, lets face it, some days are just plane bad. I don’t like to stay in the bad ones and try to look for ways to change them when they aren’t the best. Remember that…

Transformation is part of life. There are a special group of  angels here to help you through the times of transition. We have moved beyond a time of transcendence to a time when it is important for us to learn to work with the energy and learn about the process of transformation. Change is natural…

Don’t give your energy away to toxic relationships. There will always be people in your life who make you feel better and who make you feel worse. The trick is to recognize when you having toxic relationships so you can rise above them and move on. Our relationships are many and varied. We have relationships with…

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