Angel Guidance

Balance is an important part of life. When your life is balanced between what you want and need to do and what you do for others, you live a more balanced and harmonized life and isn’t that truly what many of us strive for? The angels like to remind us that every challenge contains a…

Replaying the past  can hold you in a state of sadness, so stop looking back. There is an unending sadness in always looking back and it stops you from moving forward and living life to its fullest potential. If the past is still very much alive in your heart and your mind, then nothing of the…

Conquering a negative mindset is your greatest weapon in defeating the dark side. We all have times in are lives when things aren’t going according to our plan and we really don’t know what to do.  When I was injured and had a long painful recovery, it was often my communications with the angels that helped…

We are good at asking our angels for signs or what we should do next, but do we follow through by taking the action steps required? In other words, are we doing the journey? The angels are happy to help us, but we MUST do the actual physical action that necessary to get it done. Our angels…

Setting healthy boundaries is not just about creating healthy emotional limits, it is about learning when you leave off and others begin. Sometimes just being around others can be a challenge, especially when we are unaware of the energy of others or ourselves and how we are all affected by it. Becoming aware of your feelings…

Today I am getting ready for a bit of an adventure and so I invoke my Angels to ensure a safe journey and a grand adventure. I find when I do this I am more aware of my surroundings and yet also more grounded to my immediate environment. I am taking a trip with a…

I am Ready for this. Encouraging words from my angles as I make some much needed changes in my life. The message from my angels is about how it is the discontent in something that is the catalyst for great change. While we may not feel so great while we are going through the changes,…

Being colourful when the world around you is all grey and drab is an interesting experience. I was recently down in Vancouver to visit my son. I tend to dress more colourfully than most people and it was really evident on this visit. It was mostly raining as it sometimes does in the rain forest…

Become more compassionate toward yourself. We are often hardest on ourselves. Becoming more compassionate toward ourselves is an important step in our growth. It is a big step in our journey of self discovery and awareness. If we were perfect already, we probably would not be here on Earth for very long. I believe we…

Transforming your life to be one that is more spiritual is part of our human evolution. Change isn’t always easy and often we tend to hold on to the old because it is familiar instead of bravely moving forward and allowing for the spiritual transformation of your life into something more meaningful. There isn’t just one way for…

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