Angel Guidance

Do you hear the collective sigh of relief of humanity when your world passes through some pretty heavy energetic times and lately there have been a few.  When there is a break in this turbulent energy we can all catch our breath. These are glorious times, are they not? Yes, yes, these are beautiful and wonderful energetic…

Spreading love around the world is always wise action. Usually we muddy it all up with our own personal agenda of what we think peace and love should look like instead of just spending 10 minutes focused on sending pure love wherever it needs to go and trusting that it will go where it is…

What better advise could we give than to consider working with the angels everyday! When you ask for help and trust that it is so, it is there. I thought it was appropriate to offer a small list of angelic helpers and Ascended Masters of different philosophies and religions as well as New Age benevolent beings…

The Best Place to Start is Where your At!  I spent over ten years of my healthcare career working in nursing homes, mainly on special care units with dementia. It was one of the most beautiful experiences I have had and I will always remember the many beautiful souls that touched my life through the…

Go within Taking pause to reflect on life, on choices you are making, or to just take a moment before you speak your truth to others is a powerful tool to utilize. I like to take a moment and ‘Angelize’ it or look at the situation through the eyes of my angel eyes. Taking a…

When you are positive, you keep directing a stream of high-vibration energy with your thoughts, words and actions. This affects every thing around you and also has a great affect on others and they help you towards your purpose. These beings are the human angels who have agreed to be on earth with you to…

Meditation offers you many gifts. It can help you to commune with your guides and angels, God, the Creator, visit with your ancestors, or an alternate dimension or reality. It can help you understand situations in your life that you find puzzling; it can help you find the answers that you seek; It is a way to…

Recapture your childlike sense of wonder and awe for the world around you. See the world as a magical place. Remember when you were a child and how magical the world seemed? That sense of enchantment is the spirit of your inner child and today’s message is about finding that place within you and bringing that child…

Ask your angels to shower you with an attitude of abundance to help you create. Your angels want you to live an abundant life. This means living each moment to its fullest, regardless what outward appearances may be. To heal your financial situation, first give your worries concerning money to your angels. Your angels will guide…

Yes, the signs you’ve been receiving are heaven sent. You have asked for a sign and so now what? Your angels want you to know that they hear your prayers and send you this message to help you: “We drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you’re loved and…

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