One of the best meditations for healing and rejuvenating is imagining a healing waterfall of light guided by Archangel Raphael. He is our Archangel of Healing, so call upon him at anytime you need a boost, some healing and some loving light surrounding you. Start by relaxing your body. Take some deep cleansing breaths and…

Expand your understanding and abilities by opening your intuitive channels to help you receive impressions from your spirit self. Archangel Uriel is the prefect archangel to call upon to help you. He can show you how to take various situations and questions and bring through your knowledge. Begin to open up your  intuitive channels, your…

Life and living completely are part of your life’s mission. Don’t take life for granted. You have been given a great gift when you come to earth to experience a finite lifetime and the angels are encouraging you to make each day count. Let your heart not weigh more than a feather. Search for something more…

Keeping Things Simple. Staying grounded while so much is going on around you can be a challenge. Keeping things simple is not as overwhelming as tackling everything all at once. Make a plan and take little steps while you get things moving and then momentum can build. Simplify the aspects of your life that are…

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