clip_image001I wrote this the other day while I was in Mexico, but I couldn’t upload it until I got home.

The people and the culture are wonderful. We came here on a sacred journey and have visited many temples. Once again I am reminded that angels show up in many shapes and many forms.

At one temple there were two young boys and they offered to be our guides. It was interesting watching them watching us as we climbed the structures and did ceremony. They showed us around with a great deal of aloha and we were angels for each other. They told us of the history of the place and we gave them back our gratitude and love in the form of pesos.

Today is my last day of working with the group, then I spend a few days here before I return to Hawaii. At every place that we stopped, each place that we visited, and every where we stayed I had so much gratitude for the hospitality we were shown. It certainly seems the more gratitude I have the more love I am shown.

I know there is no error in the belief that the more openly I share my love the more angels I run into after all angels fly because they take themselves lightly! Be grateful for everything, especially the more challenging moments and before you know it you will be aware of the angels surrounding you and supporting you with their love.

With love, gratitude and aloha from Mexico,

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