Thumbnail image for kona 010.jpgAloha everyone,

I had the good fortune to move to Hawaii almost twenty years ago. As I write these words, my first thought is, “Where does time go?” When I first moved to Hawaii, I was told the world “aloha” meant “hello and goodbye,” that it is a traditional Hawaiian greeting.

Then I met a woman, Mahealani Henry, who taught me the true meaning of “aloha.” She taught me about ancient Hawaiian spirituality and explained to me that “aloha” was a way of living.

So, what does “aloha” have to do with angels? “Aloha” is the way an angel would live. Learning to live aloha will help you deepen your connection to angels and also allow you to live a life filled with happiness and joy!

When you think of angels, what adjectives come to mind? I think of words like gentleness, generosity, unconditional love, acceptance, grace, magic, and miracles. Living aloha means living with a generous and open heart. It means living in an expansive state of unconditional love.

Just for today, send loving thoughts to everyone you see. Imagine everyone, including yourself, as an angel in a physical body and see what happens.

With love and aloha,

And remember you really do have Angels on Your Shoulders!

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