
Many years ago, I went to the mall around Christmas and there was an angel tree. I picked off several angels and bought shoes for a family. It felt good to know I was helping a family, and the tiny sneakers were so cute!

I just noticed that the Salvation Army is starting to take applications from families in need for this coming holiday season. No matter how much money we have or don’t have, we can take time to be someone’s angel.

We can touch someone’s life with a simple smile or by taking time to say “hello.” How often do you really connect with the clerk in the store or the person in line with you? We don’t have to talk to them to connect.

My Hawaiian kumu (teacher) talks about sharing our aloha, sharing our love. When I stand in line at the grocery store, I mentally bless each person around me and send them love. I share my aloha. Sometimes I also imagine angels surrounding everyone. I see the angels smiling at one another, winking and embracing us all with their love.

Today be someone’s angel. Put a quarter in a parking meter, pay for an extra cup of coffee or just bless the people around you with your love.

With love and aloha,

Angels are all around you sharing their love, let it in!

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